Unraveling the Mystery: Is it Possible to Determine which Stages of a Multi-Stage YAML Pipeline were Queued?
Image by Carle - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Is it Possible to Determine which Stages of a Multi-Stage YAML Pipeline were Queued?

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Are you tired of digging through endless logs and scratching your head, wondering which stages of your multi-stage YAML pipeline were queued? Do you wish there was a way to easily identify the bottlenecks in your pipeline and optimize its performance? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of YAML pipelines and explore the possibilities of determining which stages were queued.

Understanding YAML Pipelines

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the basics of YAML pipelines. A YAML pipeline is a series of tasks that are executed in a specific order to automate a process. In a multi-stage pipeline, each stage represents a separate set of tasks that can be executed independently. However, as the pipeline grows in complexity, it can become challenging to keep track of which stages were queued and which ones were skipped.

The Problem Statement

Imagine you have a pipeline with five stages: build, test, deploy, monitor, and notify. Each stage has its own set of tasks, and the pipeline is triggered by a Git push event. When the pipeline runs, you want to know which stages were queued and which ones were skipped. But, how do you do that?

The Solution: Using Azure DevOps

Luckily, Azure DevOps provides a built-in solution to this problem. By using Azure DevOps’ REST API and a dash of creativity, we can determine which stages of a multi-stage YAML pipeline were queued.

Step 1: Enable Legacy Diagnostic Logs

The first step is to enable legacy diagnostic logs for your Azure DevOps organization. This will allow you to access the pipeline’s execution logs, which contain valuable information about the stages that were queued.


Replace `{organization}`, `{project}`, `{pipelineId}`, and `{runId}` with your actual values.

Step 2: Parse the Execution Logs

Once you have access to the execution logs, you can parse them to extract the stage information. You can use a programming language of your choice, such as Python or PowerShell, to parse the logs.

import json

logs_response = requests.get(logs_url)
logs_json = json.loads(logs_response.content)

stages_queued = []

for log in logs_json['records']:
    if log['category'] == 'System' and log['message'].startswith('Stage:'):
        stage_name = log['message'].split(':')[1].strip()


This code snippet uses Python to parse the execution logs and extract the stage names that were queued.

Step 3: Create a Custom Dashboard

To make it easier to visualize the queued stages, you can create a custom dashboard in Azure DevOps. This dashboard can display the stages that were queued for each pipeline run.

Pipeline Run Stages Queued
Run 1 Build, Test, Deploy
Run 2 Build, Test
Run 3 Deploy, Monitor, Notify

Alternative Solution: Using Pipeline Variables

If you don’t have access to the Azure DevOps REST API or prefer a simpler solution, you can use pipeline variables to determine which stages were queued.

Step 1: Define Pipeline Variables

Define a pipeline variable for each stage in your pipeline. For example:

  buildQueued: false
  testQueued: false
  deployQueued: false
  monitorQueued: false
  notifyQueued: false

Step 2: Update Pipeline Variables

In each stage, update the corresponding pipeline variable to `true` if the stage is queued. For example:

- build
  - task: UpdateVariable
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
        echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=buildQueued;issecret=false]true"

Step 3: Display Queued Stages

In a final stage, display the queued stages using a script. For example:

- final
  - task: PowerShell
      targetType: 'inline'
      script: |
        Write-Host "The following stages were queued:"
        if ($(buildQueued)) { Write-Host "  Build" }
        if ($(testQueued)) { Write-Host "  Test" }
        if ($(deployQueued)) { Write-Host "  Deploy" }
        if ($(monitorQueued)) { Write-Host "  Monitor" }
        if ($(notifyQueued)) { Write-Host "  Notify" }


In this article, we’ve explored two solutions to determine which stages of a multi-stage YAML pipeline were queued. By using Azure DevOps’ REST API and pipeline variables, you can gain valuable insights into your pipeline’s execution and optimize its performance.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when working with multi-stage YAML pipelines:

  • Keep your pipeline stages concise and focused on a specific task.
  • Use meaningful stage names that clearly indicate their purpose.
  • Use pipeline variables to track stage execution and optimize performance.
  • Regularly review and refine your pipeline to ensure it meets your organization’s needs.


Here are some frequently asked questions about determining which stages of a multi-stage YAML pipeline were queued:

  1. Can I use this solution with other CI/CD tools?

    Yes, the solution can be adapted to work with other CI/CD tools that support YAML pipelines and REST APIs.

  2. How do I handle pipeline failures?

    When a pipeline stage fails, Azure DevOps provides detailed error messages and logs to help you troubleshoot the issue.

  3. Can I automate the solution?

    Yes, you can automate the solution by using Azure DevOps’ REST API and a scheduling tool like Azure Logic Apps or PowerShell scripts.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive solution to determine which stages of a multi-stage YAML pipeline were queued. By following these steps and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your pipeline’s performance and reducing costly bottlenecks.

Note: The article is SEO optimized for the given keyword “Is it possible to determine which stages of a multi-stage YAML pipeline were queued?” and includes relevant header tags, bullet points, and code snippets to enhance readability and understanding.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on multi-stage YAML pipeline queuing!

Can I see which stages of my multi-stage YAML pipeline are queued?

Yes, you can! Azure Pipelines provides a feature called “Queued Pipelines” that allows you to view the queue status of your pipelines, including which stages are currently queued. You can find this feature in the Azure Pipelines portal under the “Pipelines” section.

How do I access the “Queued Pipelines” feature in Azure Pipelines?

Easy peasy! Just sign in to your Azure Pipelines portal, navigate to the “Pipelines” section, and click on the “Queued” tab. You’ll see a list of all your pipelines that are currently queued, along with the stage that’s holding up the queue.

Can I filter the “Queued Pipelines” list to show only specific pipelines or stages?

You bet! The “Queued Pipelines” list allows you to filter by pipeline name, stage name, and even the reason why the pipeline is queued. Just use the filter dropdowns at the top of the list to narrow down the results to exactly what you’re looking for.

What happens if I cancel a queued pipeline stage?

If you cancel a queued pipeline stage, the pipeline will be removed from the queue and will not be executed. Any dependent stages will also be cancelled. However, if the pipeline has already started executing, cancelling a stage will not stop the pipeline from running.

Are there any limitations to the “Queued Pipelines” feature?

A tiny caveat: the “Queued Pipelines” feature only shows pipelines that are currently queued and doesn’t provide historical data. So, if you need to investigate pipeline queue issues from the past, you might want to explore other troubleshooting tools.