How to Play Sound from Memory using Rodio: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Play Sound from Memory using Rodio: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of relying on external audio files to add sound effects to your app or game? Do you want to take your audio game to the next level by playing sounds directly from memory? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to play sound from memory using Rodio, a powerful and flexible audio library for Rust.

What is Rodio?

Rodio is a Rust library that provides a simple and efficient way to play audio files and streams. It supports a wide range of audio formats, including WAV, MP3, and Opus, and can be used in a variety of contexts, from games and apps to IoT devices and embedded systems.

Why Play Sound from Memory?

Playing sound from memory offers several advantages over traditional audio playback methods. For one, it eliminates the need for external audio files, which can reduce the overall size and complexity of your project. It also allows for faster and more efficient audio loading, as well as improved performance and responsiveness.

In addition, playing sound from memory can be particularly useful in scenarios where disk I/O is limited or unreliable, such as in embedded systems or mobile devices. By storing audio data in memory, you can ensure that your app or game can always access the sounds it needs, even in the most demanding environments.

Getting Started with Rodio

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of playing sound from memory, let’s take a quick look at how to get started with Rodio.

First, add the following line to your `Cargo.toml` file:

rodio = "0.13.0"

Next, import the Rodio library in your Rust file:

extern crate rodio;

Now you’re ready to start playing sound with Rodio!

Loading Audio Data into Memory

The first step in playing sound from memory is to load the audio data into memory. This can be done using the `include_bytes` macro, which allows you to embed audio files directly into your Rust code.

Here’s an example of how to load a WAV file into memory:

use rodio::{Sample, WavReader};

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct WavHeader {
    // ...

static WAV_DATA: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../assets/sound.wav");

fn load_wav_data() -> Vec {
    let mut wav_reader = WavReader::new(WAV_DATA);
    let (channels, sample_rate, _duration) = wav_reader.format();
    let mut samples = Vec::new();

    for _ in 0..wav_reader.samples() {
        let sample: i16 = wav_reader.read_sample().unwrap();


In this example, we use the `include_bytes` macro to embed the audio file into our Rust code. We then use the `WavReader` struct to read the audio data into a vector of `i16` samples.

Creating a Rodio Source

Once you’ve loaded the audio data into memory, you’ll need to create a Rodio source to play it. A Rodio source is an object that provides a stream of audio samples to the Rodio engine.

In this case, we’ll create a custom source that reads audio samples from our memory buffer:

use rodio::{Source, Buffer};

struct MemorySource {
    samples: Vec,
    sample_rate: u32,
    channels: u16,
    position: usize,

impl Source for MemorySource {
    fn current_frame_len(&self) -> Option {
        Some(self.samples.len() / self.channels as usize)

    fn channels(&self) -> u16 {

    fn sample_rate(&self) -> u32 {

    fn total_duration(&self) -> Option {
            (self.samples.len() as f64 / self.sample_rate as f64) as u64 * 1000,

fn next_buffer(&mut self, buffer: &mut [i16]) -> Option {
    let available = self.samples.len() - self.position;
    let to_copy = buffer.len().min(available);
    self.position += to_copy;

In this example, we define a `MemorySource` struct that implements the `Source` trait. The `MemorySource` struct stores the audio samples, sample rate, channels, and current position in memory.

The `next_buffer` method is used to provide the next chunk of audio samples to the Rodio engine. It copies the requested number of samples from the memory buffer into the provided buffer, and returns the number of samples copied.

Playing the Sound

Now that we’ve created our `MemorySource` instance, it’s time to play the sound! To do this, we’ll create a new Rodio output device and pass our source to it:

use rodio::{OutputStream, SpatialSink};

fn play_sound() {
    let (_stream, stream_handle) = OutputStream::try_default().unwrap();
    let sink = SpatialSink::new(stream_handle.clone());

    let source = MemorySource {
        samples: load_wav_data(),
        sample_rate: 44100,
        channels: 2,
        position: 0,



In this example, we create a new Rodio output device using the `OutputStream::try_default` method. We then create a new `SpatialSink` instance, which is a type of sink that can handle spatial audio.

We pass our `MemorySource` instance to the sink using the `append` method, and then call the `sleep_until_end` method to block until the sound has finished playing.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to play sound from memory using Rodio. By loading audio data into memory and creating a custom Rodio source, you can play sound effects and music directly from your app or game, without the need for external audio files.

Rodio is a powerful and flexible audio library that provides a wide range of features and customization options. With its simple and efficient API, you can easily add audio to your project and take your app or game to the next level.

So why wait? Start playing sound from memory with Rodio today and see the difference for yourself!

Tips and Tricks

Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind when playing sound from memory with Rodio:

  • Make sure to use the correct sample rate and channels for your audio data. Rodio uses 44100 Hz and 2 channels by default, but you may need to adjust these settings for your specific use case.
  • Use the `include_bytes` macro to embed audio files directly into your Rust code. This can reduce the overall size and complexity of your project.
  • Consider using a ring buffer or similar data structure to manage your audio samples in memory. This can help improve performance and reduce latency.
  • Don’t forget to call the `sleep_until_end` method to block until the sound has finished playing. This ensures that your app or game doesn’t exit prematurely.


Here are a few frequently asked questions about playing sound from memory with Rodio:

Question Answer
What is the maximum size of the audio buffer in Rodio? The maximum size of the audio buffer in Rodio is limited only by the available memory on your system. However, it’s generally recommended to keep the buffer size as small as possible to minimize latency and reduce memory usage.
Can I play multiple sounds simultaneously using Rodio?
How do I pause or stop a sound in Rodio? To pause or stop a sound in Rodio, you can use the `pause` or `stop` methods on the sink instance. This will pause or stop the sound immediately.

We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to play sound from memory using Rodio. With its powerful features and flexible API, Rodio is the perfect choice for adding audio to your app or game. So why wait? Start playing sound from memory today!

Here are 5 questions and answers about “How to play sound from memory using Rodio”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unleash the power of Rodio and learn how to play sound from memory like a pro!

What is the first step to play sound from memory using Rodio?

The first step is to create a Rodio instance and specify the audio format and channels you want to use. You can do this by calling the `Rodio::OutputStream` function and passing in the desired format and channel configuration.

How do I load the sound data into memory using Rodio?

To load sound data into memory, you’ll need to read the audio file into a buffer using a library like `std::fs` or `rodio::source::Buffer`. Then, you can pass the buffer to the `Rodio::OutputStream` instance using the `write` function.

How do I play the sound from memory using Rodio?

Once you’ve loaded the sound data into memory, you can play it by calling the `play_raw` function on the `Rodio::OutputStream` instance, passing in the audio format, sample rate, and channel count. Rodio will then play the sound from memory!

Can I control the playback of the sound from memory using Rodio?

Yes, you can control the playback of the sound from memory using Rodio. You can pause, resume, or stop the playback using the `pause`, `resume`, and `stop` functions on the `Rodio::OutputStream` instance. You can also adjust the playback volume using the `set_volume` function.

What is the best way to handle errors when playing sound from memory using Rodio?

The best way to handle errors when playing sound from memory using Rodio is to use error handling mechanisms like `try`-`catch` blocks or error codes. Rodio provides error codes for common errors like invalid audio formats or out-of-memory errors, so be sure to check the documentation for more information.